Honest Fitness and Weight Loss program reviews, inspiration and information to help motivate you in reaching your health and fitness goals.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fourth Inning: Have Fun!

A lot of people say that professional athletes have the best job in the world. The get paid to play a game that millions of people only dream about doing! They spend the day in the sun, with thousands of fans screaming their names and wearing their jersey number. How cool is that?

I’d say it’s pretty cool – as long as you’re winning. If you’re in a hitting slump or your team is in the middle of a losing streak, suddenly, the sport you love isn’t all that much fun. And of course, the converse is true. The better you are doing, the more fun it is!

Translate that into your health and fitness journey. When you’re in that golden space where every workout gets better, you’re mileage on your run is improving, your cholesterol is down 10%, everything is grand and it’s all great fun. But if you’re dreading every workout, or you have shin splints or you gained 3 pounds, everything seems like a chore, including the things you once enjoyed.

It is possible to make a mental shift – in fact, it’s imperative that you do. You can’t afford the luxury of a negative attitude, so here are some ideas to make things more fun when it all seems to be going wrong.

Focus on small successes. Did you do an extra 5 minutes on the treadmill? Did you order the meatless tacos at your favorite restaurant? Did you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Recognize and celebrate what you did right, even when it’s a small thing.

Downplay the bad parts. Remind yourself that everything seems worse when you have a bad attitude. Give yourself a reality check. How can I turn this around? Can’t run? Walk the dog, play Frisbee with the kids, ride your bike, go golfing. Dreading your workout? Do something completely different than usual. Use lighter weights and do more reps. Play a Wii Fit marathon with your spouse. Go hiking or take a walk after dinner. Have a calisthenics contest with the family.

Choose to believe you are a positive person. Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” You have the right and the obligation to choose your attitude, so why not choose to be positive?

Do what you love! In health and fitness, that’s sometimes a tall order, especially if you love cookies. However, you can try different activities until you find one that you love. There are hundreds of workouts out there. Try a few before you settle on one. There are many ways to accomplish most tasks. Including healthy tasks.

Professional Baseball players won’t last long unless they have the mental toughness that allows them to keep playing, even when times get bad. We have a better Game-On-Fitness if we cultivate that toughness ourselves.

May your bases be loaded and your peanut bag full!

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